This policy is to ensure that all student records and information are handled
according to the law as required by Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and any
other jurisdictional body.
Student Records
o Personal, privileged and/or confidential information about students may only be collected,
stored, used, disclosed and retained for the purposes identified by Canadian Institute for
Blended Learning Ltd. as necessary, and only after such purpose has been disclosed to
students prior to collection and their consent obtained.
o Staff must ensure that no personal, privileged and/or confidential student information is
disclosed without the student’s consent and then only if security procedures are satisfied.
o Student information is only to be accessed by staff with appropriate authorization and on an
as needed basis.
o Student information that is the subject of a request by an individual or a Privacy
Commissioner shall be retained as long as necessary to allow individuals to exhaust any
recourse they may have under PIPEDA or PIPA.
Concerns or complaints related to privacy issues must be made, in writing, to the Senior
Educational Administrator setting out the details of the concern or complaint. The Senior
Educational Administrator shall investigate the matter forthwith and make a determination related
to the resolution of the concern(s) or complaint(s).
CIBL retains the full student file for a period of three (3) years following the student’s withdrawal,
dismissal or graduation. After three years, the full student record is destroyed using a secure
destruction method.
Procedure for student access to the information on file:
- Students wishing to access the information in their student file must make the request in
writing to the Admissions Department ( - The Admissions Department will contact the student to review the file and will provide
copies of any document the student requests. There is a $15.00 fee for this service in
addition to postage
Procedure for authorizing release of information: - If a student wishes to authorize a third party to access information in his/her student file,
he/she must do so in writing. - CIBL will not release information to any person other than people authorized by the student
to access information unless required to do so by legislation, a subpoena, court order or if
release of information is necessary as part of an ongoing police investigation.